#map-canvas img {
max-width: none;
#map-canvas label {
width: auto; display:inline;
NB : #map-canvas est l'id du div conteneur de votre carte google map
Développeur Web, spécialiste Joomla!
Keys | Action |
Ctrl-down arrow | Scrolls the window up without moving the insertion point. |
Ctrl-up arrow | Scrolls the window down without moving the insertion point. |
Ctrl-[ | Moves the insertion point to the highlighted matching bracket. This shortcut only works when the insertion point is immediately after the opening or closing bracket. |
Ctrl-Shift-[ | Selects the block between a pair of brackets. This shortcut only works when the insertion point is imtmediately after either the opening or closing bracket. |
Ctrl-G | Jumps to any specified line. |
Ctrl-A | Selects all text in the file. |
Keys | Action |
INSERT | Switches between insert text and overwrite text mode. |
Ctrl-Shift-J | Opens the Internationalize dialog box that you can use to insert an internationalized string at the insertion point. |
Ctrl-U, U | Makes the selected characters or the character to the right of the insertion point uppercase. |
Ctrl-U, L | Makes the selected characters or the character to the right of the insertion point lowercase. |
Ctrl-U, S | Reverses the case of the selected characters or the character to the right of the insertion point. |
Keys | Action |
Ctrl-Minus (-) | Collapses the block of code the insertion point is on. |
Ctrl-Plus (+) | Expands the block of code the insertion point is next to. |
Ctrl-Shift-Minus (-) | Collapses all blocks of code. |
Ctrl-Shift-Plus (+) | Expands all blocks of code. |
Keys | Action |
Ctrl-Z | (Undo) Reverses (one at a time) a series of editor actions, except Save. |
Ctrl-Y | (Redo) Reverses (one at a time) a series of Undo commands. |
Ctrl-X | (Cut) Deletes the current selection and places it into the clipboard. |
Shift-Delete | (Cut) Deletes the current selection and places it into the clipboard. |
Ctrl-C | (Copy) Copies the current selection to the clipboard. |
Ctrl-Insert | (Copy) Copies the current selection to the clipboard. |
Ctrl-V | (Paste) Pastes the contents of the clipbard at the insert point. |
Delete | (Delete) Deletes the current selection. |
Ctrl-E | Deletes the current line. |
Ctrl-U | Deletes text in the following sequence:
Ctrl-Backspace | Removes the text in the current word preceding the insertion point. |
Keys | Action |
Ctrl-F3 | Searches for the word the insertion point is on and higlights all occurrences of that word. |
F3 | Selects the next occurrence of the word in your current search. |
Shift-F3 | Selects the previous occurrence of the word in your current search. |
Alt-Shift-H | Switches highlighting of search results on or off. |
Ctrl-F | Opens the Find dialog box. |
Ctrl-H | Opens the Find and Replace dialog box. |
Keys | Action |
Tab | Shifts all text to right of insertion point to the right. |
Alt-Shift-Right | Shifts text in line containing the insertion point to the right. |
Alt-Shift-Left | Shifts text in line containing the insertion point to the left. |
Keys | Action |
Ctrl-Shift-M | Sets or unsets a bookmark at current line. |
Ctrl-Shift-Period/Comma | Goes to next/previous bookmark. |
$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
//recuperation de la configuration
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
// recupertation de la config mailfrom
$sender = array(
$config->getValue( 'config.mailfrom' ),
$config->getValue( 'config.fromname' ) );
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$recipient = $user->email;
// si plusieur destinataires
$recipient = array( 'person1@domain.com',
'person3@domain.com' );
// creation du mail
$body = "Your body string\nin double quotes if you want to parse the \nnewlines etc";
$mailer->setSubject('Your subject string');
// Optional file attached
// si mail html
$body = '<h2>Our mail</h2>'
. '<div>A message to our dear readers'
. '<img src="cid:logo_id" alt="logo"/></div>';
$mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
// Optionally add embedded image
$mailer->AddEmbeddedImage( JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.
//envoie du mail
$send = $mailer->Send();
if ( $send !== true ) {
echo 'Error sending email: ' . $send->message;
} else {
echo 'Mail sent';